Category Archives: Videoturundus

Video marketing

The most important number in YouTube statistics

More important than a million clicks, more expensive than views, fans must be acknowledged.

Christmas card of the year 2013

The personal video greeting made by the Lavii boys in the forest, by the fire, will once again be awarded the title of "Christmas Card of the Year".

New Year's TV shows on YouTube

New Year's Eve TV programs get more attention on YouTube than TV (pre)screenings.

TOP10 posts of 2013

The most popular video marketing blog posts as of the end of 2013. Along with a small prize.

Children came to sing for 6 euros

The promo clip for Catapult Films' Mood Breaker has received over 90,000 views in 24 hours, which should...

Estonian advertising agencies on YouTube

Using social media channels is important for agencies. How are you doing on YouTube?

The world's first interactive cinema

The interactive cinema lecture series of the Baltic Film and Media School talks about how in the world of cinema it is possible to give viewers the opportunity to make decisions,...

The most shared ads 2006-2013

Viral video tracker Unruly Media released an interactive map last week showing the most...

Kobe vs Messi “Selfie Shootout”

Turkish Airlines took the word of the year and put it on Kobe Bryant and Lionel...

The a capella version of “Little Drummer Boy” sells out the halls

The US a capella band's version of the Christmas story skilfully uses both the video description and...
