Category Archives: Videoturundus

Video marketing

Successful video marketing example - "Influencer"

Strike iron that is already hot and bring viewers to your page with the help of video! An "agent of influence" is...

Estonian President on YouTube

The official YouTube channel of the President of Estonia was opened in 2008. Is the e-tiger limping after the first leap...

Online video trends 2011: Facebook fan page = YouTube channel

People love videos. Turn that love into money!

Estonian TV channels on YouTube

Research shows that internet viewing is overtaking television. How do Estonian TV channels use YouTube opportunities?

Video CV - do you want a coveted job?

Do you want the best or at least the most coveted job in the world? Make yourself a Video CV!

Travel, film and see the world!

Is it possible to travel the world for FREE as a video marketer? If you don't believe it, don't read on...

Hand shakes - use a tripod!

How to tell the difference between a beginner and a video amateur? Both have shaking hands, but one has a tripod!

How to get YouTube "fans"?

How to get YouTube "fans"? Guide them with the right link…

Call to Action - "Call to Action"

The website has a banana, the visitor is a monkey. The monkey must find the banana in less than 3 seconds!

Is vlogging dead?

Why don't we like the camera? Who might like it?
