Category Archives: Optimeerimistehnikad

Video optimization techniques

Christmas is coming. Make a video about your product!

With a printed Christmas offer video, you can make better sales over the next month than with a window display

The YouTube end screen keeps the viewer engaged

The latest news from YouTube is the video end screen, which can be used to keep the viewer in the channel or send them...

How do Estonian TV channels use YouTube?

With conscious content creation and optimization, Estonian TV channels could collect a million views per month on YouTube.

The most popular YouTube channels in European countries

SocialBlade shows the most popular YouTube channels by country. See who is the first in the European countries and on how many...

How to measure video success?

The number of views is the least informative video statistic. Read more about how to assess video quality and which...

How to get YouTube URL without 100 channel subscribers?

Google has strict requirements for taking a polite URL to a YouTube channel, but they can be bypassed.

Tips for adding a YouTube video window

Adding a YouTube video to your website is easier than ever, but unfortunately many people use the "simpler simpler" version.

How to be the first on YouTube?

Since YouTube optimization competence is almost non-existent in Estonia, it is not very difficult to have your video on YouTube...

How to add YouTube thumbnail?

Video filming and production is only part of the video marketing process. In addition to the title, description and keywords, you must...

How to make YouTube subtitles visible?

Subtitles allow both the viewer and the YouTube search engine to better understand the content of the video. When the credits rolled,...
