Best Marketing's video marketing workshop vol.3: measuring results

As an introduction to the summary of the third part of the video marketing workshop by Steffan Aquarone, a subjective introduction to the Estonian modification of the (video) marketing triangle.

In the world of online video marketing, in addition to high-quality production and creative creative solutions, you must also have knowledge of online video strategy, techniques and possibilities.

Many smaller video production companies and one-man bands can do a good job if you tell them exactly what and where to shoot, and what the idea and plot of the video is. At the same time, they are the ones who first upload the video to their YouTube / Vimeo account when it is ready and send the link to the client.

Bigger fish can also step on the same rake, for example, as the marketing manager of Rimi Estonia, I would be really upset that the "Rimi Käikkönen" advertisement below is published first on the account of the video editor(?) of the production company or agency, not Rimi Estonia on its YouTube channel.

Without knowing the background information, there may be some "logical" reason here (we only share videos using FB video, - the last clip was added to YouTube 2 years ago, etc.), but people, both on Facebook and elsewhere, much prefer to share YouTube than FB video link. In Rimi's example, the online media does the same - for example Postman (almost 8,000 views in two days).

In the field of video marketing I recommend both production companies and agencies to clarify the basics of video optimization, channel creation and internet video, because the first ones who can offer the client a good creative solution, together with high-quality production and well-thought-out video marketing solutions, will be ahead of the curve in a year or two.

The same is true in corporate marketing departments – even if in-house there are no plans to hire a videographer, it should be clear what and how to proceed with the ordered videos (including TV advertising) online.

I also placed in the drawing, a place that shows that there is room for development both in terms of the technical side and the creation of ideas. Definitely also in video marketing ;)


Before you rush to record your first video idea with a camera, you need to find answers to several questions:

  • What do you want to achieve?
  • Who is it for?
  • Why do they need it?
  • What channels do you plan to use?
  • What is your main message?
  • What problem does your product or service solve?
  • What does it change in the behavior and thinking of consumers?
  • How do you measure the result?
  • What is the budget range you are willing to spend?

It is important that you try to find answers through the eyes of the customer. For example, if you offer car repair service and you sell spare parts, then in the video style "Hello, xxx car repair is located on Mustamäe tee xxx, we do oil changes, body work, etc.", then sales will not increase with this in the month 30%.

At the same time, being the first in Estonia to make a simple video series showing how the oil change works, which oil to choose, etc. would increase the company's credibility and, in the long term, sales.

Measure 9 times

Similar to other marketing channels, measuring results is also important in video marketing. They can be measured according to the set goals.


  • player loads vs player plays – shows how many times there is a video shown that is, the possibility of viewing was offered and several times viewed, i.e. clicked to play the video. To increase the number of views, one of the most important factors is the thumbnail image of the video thumbnail and an attractive and inviting title. You can now choose on Vimeo custom thumbnail, YouTube custom thumbnail you will find a trick from the manual.
  • bounce rate – how soon the video was stopped. YouTube statistics show that a video was not viewed if it was clicked away within the first three seconds.
  • geographical overview, i.e. where the videos have been viewed. One UK store chain organized promotions in several of its stores, which were also filmed. Deciding where to do the next promotion was not so much based on visiting a store as watching location-based videos.
  • when videos are watched - day, time, etc. For example, one of the UK's leading online stores analyzed sales vs video views. It turned out that sales are highest at noon, and video viewing tends to stay in the evening. As a result, it was decided that the content of the website will be aimed at sales at noon, and more informative (video) content in the evening:

In addition, there are many statistical factors: viewing duration and environment, comments, shares, likes, age group of users, etc., but one of the most important is to know, what happened after watching the video. That's why it's worth, for example, on your campaign or website to monitor where the viewers came from and what they did next.

A/B testing

Familiar with internet marketing A/B testing also applies to video marketing. This applies both to video thumbnail options and to videos with different content. In order to understand what works better, the viewer must be given at least two options: A and B.

Future thoughts

Steffan ended his presentation by sharing his visions for the future. The primary and main message of the entire workshop was that in the internet world, only video content that is interesting to the viewer will work. Branding it and making relevant advertising and sales will be a key issue.

In addition, some thoughts from Steffan's presentation:

  • Marketers are the largest video producers in the world.
  • The future is based on trust and personality - we don't buy things and services through advertisements, but through people and companies we trust.
  • Video content is getting higher quality.


Hando Sinisalu, the manager of Best Marketing, gave the third idea from the workshop, who estimated that creating quality video content is more difficult than creating good advertising. It probably is, but it pays off in the long run.

Steffan Aquarone's video marketing workshop was the first presentation of its kind by a foreign speaker in Estonia. There will certainly be many more to come in the coming years.

You can hear my thoughts with practical examples and recommendations next time Estonian Conference Center at the November social media marketing seminar "Effectiveness through the right channel" (link will be added soon).

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