Welcome to Estonia video

In early 2010, published Invitation on the Kaupo Kalda OKIA blog to improve Google image search to the keyword "Welcome to Estonia", which received both media attention, participation and action. It was also published a month ago summary of results.

Google video search "Welcome to Estonia" keyword is in somewhat better condition (mainly Tanel Padar's song of the same name), but if Velvet's guest worker Amid Moradganjeh's recently filmed video from autumn Tallinn except for that, there are still relatively few good clips introducing Estonia in internet video environments. Also EAS visitestonia.ee YouTube and Vimeo page has collected the selection is not praise.

Perhaps one of the best introductory videos of Estonia was made in Saaremaa. Although it is 20 minutes long, it is quite humorous, with a not too catchy accent (vs. some videos on YouTube) and memorable:


Eurovision 2002 interludes

Some of the best videos introducing Estonia that are relevant to this day and suitable for social media have already been made in 2002 For intermission clips of the Eurovision Song Contest held in Tallinn.

Since they were not found in the video environments of the Internet, the videos from the recording VHS cassette (therefore not in HD version) were uploaded to a specially created /Eurovision2002 to the YouTube account.

I've linked all 24 cutscenes here below - watch (some) and let me know which is your favorite:

























Give your contribution

I have mentioned "Welcome to Estonia" in the title of each video, in front of the description and as the first keyword, and I have used the same in the title of the channel. So - the importance of videos in search engine results is mainly behind their viewability, links, comments and "likes".

If you also think that these clips could get more attention, especially with the keyword "Welcome to Estonia" in the Google/YouTube video search, you can contribute to this:

1) them simply watching,
2) this post or the best video on Facebook commenting or sharing,
3) videos YouTube by commenting or "liking" the page,
4) own to the blog them embedadding with -code.


Although Google search the keyword "Welcome to Estonia" has dropped to an average of 1,300 searches per month in two years (January 2010 averaged 3,600), however, the video format is the one that helps to introduce Estonia in the most memorable way. Padari's story will not disappear anywhere, but in a fun way and still relevant to this day, the Eurovision interludes introduce Estonia much better than school students' video experiments On the birth of the Estonian language or Tolk and Saan's ESTO TV version The shame of Europe.

Certainly, several other good Estonian introductory videos could also receive more attention, for example, in video projects financed by EAS, in addition to the logo at the end of the video, there could be an additional requirement regarding the link (visitestonia.ee?), description and title. Help will be found the video marketing handbook of optimization tricks.

The least you can do to contribute to the Eurovision videos is to press the "like" button below, I hope you will take the time to express your opinion.

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