3 reasons to add subtitles to your video

Adding subtitles to YouTube videos is more necessary than it seems at first glance. Following are three simple reasons why you should do it and what program to use for it.

Hearing impairment

First of all, subtitles allow not only hearing impaired people to understand the content of the video, but also anyone whose hearing impairment is caused by the surrounding environment. For example, office workers who watch videos (during working hours) and do not want their colleagues to hear the sound. Similarly, internet users in cafes and other public places are often not equipped with headphones.


Secondly, with the help of subtitles, both YouTube and Google can understand the content of the video much better, and your findability in search engines increases considerably.

Translation into other languages

Thirdly, subtitles allow you to translate your video into other languages and thereby increase the potential audience. Even Latvians can understand the content of your video;)


You can easily make subtitles, for example CaptionTube with a web-based program called where by linking your YouTube account to it, you can easily import videos and create a subtitle file for them.

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