YouTube Creator Academy

youtube, this gorilla who enters the room a little later than the others and sits down, has always wanted all his friends, i.e. YouTube users, to be aware of how to use all opportunities as wisely and consciously as possible and to create and add interesting content to others. Free educational materials and courses have been created for this purpose, the latter of which is called YouTube Creator Academy.

Ole minu sõber
YouTube akadeemia

in Estonian YouTube Creator Academy is an environment where you can become ten times smarter about using YouTube through video, image and questionnaires.

Anyone who wants to use YouTube smarter could go through this free program and take the required exams, which will give a certificate for it if you get more than 75% correct answers.

get discovered
after you shoot

Courses can be taken by level, alphabetically or by category - you want to know how on YouTube to do business and earn money or are you interested instead production?

YouTube courses can be found elsewhere, both free and paid, but you could start with what the gorilla himself recommends.  
